By Simon Miller

IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) has launched 26 new cleared OTC contracts for crude and refined petroleum products, North American power and North American natural gas.

ICE also announced the introduction on ICE Futures Europe of American-style options on futures for Heating Oil and RBOB Gasoline.

All of the new contracts will be available for the trade date of Monday, 30 April, subject to regulatory non-objection. With the products announced today, ICE will offer over 700 cleared OTC energy contracts, including more than 608 new cleared OTC contracts since the launch of ICE Clear Europe in November 2008.

The new contracts are:

Global Oil and Refined Petroleum Products:
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) Swap (SMT)1
Singapore Mogas 95 Unleaded (Platts) Swap (SMF)1
Singapore Mogas 97 Unleaded (Platts) Swap (SMS)1
180 cst Singapore Average Price Option (SZS)1
180 cst Singapore Fuel Swap Mini (100MT) (SZZ)1
380 cst Singapore Fuel Swap Mini (100MT) (SYY)1
3.5% FOB RDAM Barges Swap Average Price Option (BAR)2
Ethanol Swap — Chicago (ETC)3
Ethanol Swap — New York (ETN)3
Heating Oil Average Price Option (HOF)
RBOB Gasoline Average Price Option (RBS)

North American Power:
MISO Indiana Hub RT Peak Daily Swap (Lookback) (IDO)
MISO Indiana Hub RT Peak Daily Options (Lookback) (IDO)
PJM AD Hub RT Peak Daily Swap (Lookback) (DDO)
PJM AD Hub RT Peak Daily Options (Lookback) (DDO)
Nepool MH DA Peak Daily Options (EDP)
ERCOT N 345KV Swap (Lookback) (ENO)
ERCOT N 345KV Option (Lookback) (ENO)
PJM WH RT LMP Off Peak Monthly Mini (OMI)
Nepool MH Day Ahead LMP Peak Monthly Mini (NEM)
Nepool MH Day Ahead LMP Off Peak Monthly Mini (NOM)
SP-15 EZ Gen Hub DA LMP Peak Daily Option (SDP)
Mid-C DA Peak Daily Option (MPD)
North American Natural Gas
Columbia Gulf, Mainline Index Swap (CGI)4
Columbia Gulf, Mainline Swing Swap (CGR)5
Tennessee Zone 0 Swing Swap (TZR)5

Refined Petroleum Options on Futures:
Heating Oil American-Style Option (O)
RBOB Gasoline American-Style Option (N)

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